Virtual Resources
See CF’s list of virtual resources for students below. If you need additional information about a specific department, please contact us. Be sure to check your Patriots Mail and Canvas for ongoing updates from your instructors.
Document Drop-Off
You can drop off documents at CF’s campuses contact-free. Please make sure all documents are sealed in an envelope with your name and contact information clearly printed on it.
At the Ocala Campus, secure drop-off bins are located outside of Student Accounts and the Financial Aid office for tuition payments and all admissions, enrollment services and financial aid documents.
View Campus Maps:

Academic Advising
Advisors are available to meet with students virtually via teleconference. To speak to a team member, call 352-873-5801. To schedule a virtual advisor meeting, email Monday through Friday 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
CF has partnered with Barnes & Noble to connect you with all your textbook needs. You can shop for books online and have them shipped directly to you. Visit the Bookstore website for more information.
Canvas Help Desk
The CF Canvas Help Desk may be reached at or at 352-854-2322, ext. 1317, Monday–Thursday, 8 a.m.–4:30 p.m. In addition, the 24/7 help desk provided by Canvas can be accessed in Canvas by clicking on the Help icon.
Disability Services
Need assistance with your online classes? We can help connect you with resources. Contact our Disability Services office at or 352-854-2322, ext. 1580 or 1395.
Enrollment Services
Enrollment services processes incoming and outgoing transcripts, program of study changes, graduation, and enrollment verifications. You can order transcripts online here. You can reach Enrollment Services at, 352-873-5801
Financial Aid
If you’re concerned about paying for college, please reach out to our Financial Aid office at or 352-873-5801. You may also meet with representatives in person at our campus locations.
IT Help
The IT help desk is available to assist you with any technology issues you might have. If you’re having trouble accessing email, Canvas, myCF, etc., please contact or 352-873-5800, ext. 1378.
Most library resources and services are available online, including tens of thousands of e-books, streaming videos, tutorials and guides to citing sources. For assistance, contact for Citrus Campus, for Levy Campus, and for Ocala Campus.
Mental Health
If you are feeling overwhelmed, or experiencing stress, anxiety, fear, uncertainty, depression, or other issues you can get free professional and confidential counseling by calling BayCare Life Management at 1-800-878-5470 or by calling 352-873-5800 and ask for Cindy Pfriender, LMHC.
Student Accounts
Student Accounts processes student payments, refunds, holds, financial notices/collections, Florida Prepaid, NelNet payment plans, and 1098T tax forms. You may reach Student Accounts at 352-854-2322 ext. 1213, or via email at
Student Life
Find Ocala SAB on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter @CFStudentLife and @SABOcala, and Citrus SAB Instagram @CFCitrus and Facebook @CFCitrusStudentLife; and Levy Facebook @CFLevyCampus. Email us at
In most cases, tests for online classes will be completed through Canvas. For all other tests and/or for students who receive accommodations through the Disability Services office, call the Testing Center: Ocala Campus 352-854-2322 ext. 1564, 1572, 1463, 1332, or 1430; Citrus Campus 352-249-1213; Levy Campus 352-658-4077.
Free tutoring through the Learning Support Centers is available through online conferencing with our CF tutors. Please contact to request an appointment. Tutoring is also available through Smarthinking online and is accessible in Canvas.
Veterans’ Services
CF’s Veterans Services are offered remotely. Veterans are encouraged to reach out via email at or phone at 352-854-2322, ext. 1595.