Equipment Loan

Accessibility Services

Equipment Loan


Students registered with CF’s Accessibility Services are able to check out a variety of equipment for academic use. This equipment is often loaned on a semester-long time-frame, although some equipment may be limited to daily or weekly loans.
Equipment can include:

  • Hearing Amplification Devices
  • Calculators- Basic four-function, graphing, speaking, and large key calculators
  • Magnification Equipment- Portable video magnifier and handheld devices.
  • Recording Equipment- Digital recorders, smart pens, microphones, and desktop applications.
  • Reading Pens
  • Headsets- Noise-canceling, dictation headsets, and headphones.
  • Miscellaneous- Large print and ergonomic keyboards, trackball mice, spell checkers.

If you would like to check out any of the equipment available, contact Accessibility Services at or 352-854-2322, ext. 1209. Our team will be able to provide equipment-specific instruction for use. Prior to checking out the equipment, students will need to complete the Student Equipment Agreement.

Students are responsible for lost or broken items on loan. If the borrowed equipment is not returned by the designated timeframe or is returned damaged, a hold will be placed on the student’s CF account until the equipment is returned or replaced.