CF Foundation

Board Members

Since 1959, the CF Foundation has brought together individuals, organizations and resources to fulfill the needs of our growing college and community.

Board Meeting Schedule

Our board determines direction and policy, works to accomplish the mission of this nonprofit organization, manages resources efficiently, enhances our public image and monitors the organization’s operations. The board reflects the communities we serve – our members have a broad spectrum of knowledge, experience and interests to ensure that the Foundation’s mission and vision become a reality.

Executive Committee

Michelle Stone Chair Marion County Commissioner
Jerry Benton Vice-Chair President/CEO, CAMPUS USA Credit Union
Phil Rosenberg Secretary Human Resources Consultant, Writer, Speaker
Bill Paul Treasurer Retired
Greg Blair Past-Chair Vice President, Business Banking South State Bank
Patti Conrad Member-at-Large Senior VP – Investments, Wells Fargo Advisors


Aaron Campo COO, Renstar Medical Research, IMS Pharmacy, Neurological Specialists of Central Florida
Parker Eiland Consultant, Gallagher
Michael J. Hart Senior Vice President and Resident Director, Merrill Lynch
Jared Kirby Financial Advisor, Raymond James
Winston Needham Retired
David Ritterhoff Instructor: “Business Entrepreneur / Ownership” – Forest High School
John K. Roberts Realtor and CFO, Roberts Real Estate, Inc.
Samantha Shealy Rauba Attorney, Schatt, McGraw, Rauba and Mutarelli
Erika Skula President / Chief Executive Officer, Advent Health